The Glass City Marathon this weekend ( Tomorrow, to be exact!) And today was spent gathering our things, picking up our packets and getting familiar with Toledo. Or, more accurately: doing the things we did not get to do last year.
First: I want to say that a pilot (Cheryl) should keep their eyes on the road and listen to the navigator.(Me!) However, Cheryl seems to trust Google Maps more and we end up finding ourselves driving down the line up shoot of the 5K race! Race officials scramble to cut us off before we run someone over... And in a frightened tone, tell us to back up and get off the course! Rather embarrassing....
But we did not hit anyone. And the 5K was almost completely over by the time we got there. The Expo was right there but was not open yet. My theory: They were planning on the 5K being done before the Expo opened the doors. They did not account for the people who were 10 minutes early. (Us.)
Still.... Go back in time and LISTEN TO ETHAN!
Venting done. We picked up the packet and headed to the lake shore. Lake Erie! That is. The shallow , brown water called to us for another beach combing experience. On a brighter note,
This area is known for its birding corridors. Next week is a huge event where birders from all around come to catalog as many fly overs as possible. While we were on the shore, a number of birders were already out and about.
I managed to capture an Egret and a Blue Heron. We also scored a lot of polished shells.
( Not much beach glass this time.) It was windy, warm and calming to walk along the shore once again.
Then on to the Glass Museum. Not as special as you might think. But they did have two actual Van Gogh paintings. ( In a glass museum? I guess so....)
How the paintings got there I may never know, but we also saw a Monet and Renoir. Not sure if they were originals though.
There were a number of other "interesting" items that captured my attention.
My personal favorite was the glass dress. Most other things were right out of your grandmother's cupboards... minus the dust. I found them rather boring as they looked like things I had seen before. ( Not that special)
With Google Maps CONSTANTLY directing us through the city center of Toledo, we are finally bushed! And discovered ( BY accident actually, ) That you could take the highway and cut a lot of traffic and time off of your route. This is good news for tomorrow when we have to wake up and get there in the dark.
Cheryl just informed me that the race starts in less than 12 hours. This means an early bed time for us. (By the way,I'm running the half, she is running the full Marathon.) It is going to be HOT with temps rising up over 75 degrees. It also might rain. (Think: Chaffing!) Sure glad I chose the half...
So wish us luck! My goal is to finish... Injury free! And hopefully without any walking. It would be nice if I could beat my last race's time... But I will aim for that as the race progresses. My first concern is the heat and the hydration breaks.
And also, I would like to get an extra mug if I can. Last time they gave me an extra beer glass, but the finisher's prize this time is a mug. Doesn't matter! I want to see if I can get a matched set.
And also.. Cheer for Cheryl. ( She is my ride back home... so Safe running!)
Time is short! And ever second counts.... Time for some rest before the storm.
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