Friday, December 22, 2023

The Christmas Weekend Begins...

A long day at the Zebra today.  10 hours!   I'm happy they offer overtime for this time of year,  but I feel like I have finally had enough.   Time to begin the Holiday season!

Actually,  I started it off a bit early with John from Work.    He asked me to draw up a picture for his daughter....  A Scooby Doo snap shot with his daughter's likeness in the front seat of the Mystery Mobile.   Honesly, I was a little shocked that he thought I could pull off such a thing...  But apparently, My doodles at work have gotten me the recognition I try to avoid. 

It took a Saturday afternoon.  And there were several times when I wanted to toss it out and tell him I could not complete it.    But eventually, I figured I would rather he have it than give it away.  

Apparently,  he liked it!  ( Yeah!)   And when I refused to give him a price,  he offered me a beer and burger  at the Bar he frequents.    Free food?   And Beer?!?  How could I refuse that?  

It was a good time.  (Thursday night.)  After a long day at work,  we both had a few more than our normal limits.    But... That is how memories are made.   OR erased......  Depending on the circumstances and amounts of alcohol involved....

As for tonight...  Dave is off to New Ulm, Minnesota, visiting a friend who has asked him to come up for a visit.  Meaning:  I have the house all to myself tonight.   I can listen to my music on top volume, Sing along as much as I want... And walk around in my underwear!   All at the same time!  

I'm just kidding.   I don't play the music that loud.  And most of those things I do already when Dave is here. It harkens back to the days of living in the Dorms at MLS.  But before I digress too much,  I wanted to mention the Tom and Jerry. 

The Drink!  Not the Cartoon.    

Tom and Jerry's are similar to a warm eggnog coffee...  With Booze in it!   A Festive Winter drink  that people celebrate the Holidays with.  You can look it up on the internet if you want to make your own recipe.   Otherwise,  there are some some brands out there that do all of the mixing for you.  You just have to add the hot water/milk and Booze.  ( Usually 2 shots!  One Dark Brandy and One Spiced Rum.)  Ironically, I discovered this drink in New Ulm when I was going to college there.   My roommate at the Time talked about them all the time and said they were a Minnesota thing.  We found some Tom and Jerry Batter and made a few on a cold, Minnesota, Winter night.  And I have been a fan of the drink ever since. 

I promised myself that I would have one every night for the last 12  days of Christmas.   However,  Last night,  I had more than my share of Alcohol and did not require any more after coming home from the Bar.  And tonight....

Well,  I think Dave took the mix and the booze with him!  ( To New Ulm!   Minnesota!)  I deduct this after having performed a thorough investigation and noted that the Tom and Jerry Batter are missing.  As well as the Rum and Brandy. It is possible that Dave hid the ingredients so I would not drink all of the expensive spirits before the Holiday.  However,  I doubt that.  No, I'm pretty sure he brought them on his trip to share the Tom and Jerry experience with his friends!

And I'm thrilled!  I personally want everyone to experience a festive Holiday Drink like this.   Especially at this time of year.   Plus,  I know where I can get more batter and fixin's   So there is no worry  that I will be without.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend this weekend.  And A very blessed Holiday.  Spending time with friends and Family this time of year is very important.   And I hope and pray everyone has someone they can share Christmas Eve together.   

Because every second counts.

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