Tuesday, October 10, 2023

My Weekend In Review...

 Ah, how quickly  times leaves us behind...  Wondering why it flies away so quickly.   

My weekend was packed with small projects that only got a small head nod of my attention.   I was pleased that I managed to squeeze in as much as I did.    But mostly,  I simply started a number of things and set them on the back burner for the rest of the week.    We shall see if I managed to find the time to make any progress on them.  

With the sudden shift in the temp and the rain...  I decided I would take a break from running this weekend.   Actually, I managed to run three miles!  But my left knee was acting up and it was just a week after grinding through a Marathon....  So,   I decided to give the old legs a little bit longer to recover...

Which means I had lots of time to do things inside.   After completing all of the "have-to's",  I started another fish.   The last one took several weeks to complete so this one will be one of those "Long Projects"  that I can set aside when I get too busy and bring out when I feel bored.   I wonder what species I should make this one....

I folded some Origami for the Church Ladies at the refreshment bar.  They bake goodies for fellowship after Church.  Treats  to enjoy along with Coffee.   I like it!  It is a nice touch and although many of the members bolt for the door, I stay back and enjoy a cookie or two with some coffee.   And I toss in a couple of bucks to help defray the cost.  ( You really can't put a price on home baked sweets!)  

But,  as usual,  I simply can't toss in a buck unless I fold it into something.   It's a quirk!   Had I known the ladies liked them as much as they do, I would have been folding more creatures from the start!   In the mean time,  I folded a rooster.  I hope they can tell what it is supposed to be. .  

Speaking of Origami,  I was finally able to make some paper and begin on something new.   Something that someone has requested for a while and it may take a while to complete.   I will give you progress reports along the way. ( If I remember to take pics!) 

Saturday I went out mushroom hunting and found some nice Oyster Mushrooms.   I have been enjoying them for breakfast for the last couple of days.   I figured the colder weather would trigger some mushroom growth,  but was only able to find a couple toxic ones.   Jack-O-lanterns and Scaly caps.  They are rather pretty though, and I always enjoy taking their pictures.  

And while I'm on the topic of Mushrooms...  I found a Hen Of The Woods this afternoon.   I was going to check out my tree where I found some last year and found this one on the way.  The tree I have marked has yet to produce anything!   But I managed to score a decent sized one.... so that helped make my day.  

And finally... Sunday fishing!   It was cold!  But the fishing was hot!  ( And peaceful...)   I had the lake all to myself and was able to light line 20 large bluegills!   Each time they managed to keep getting bigger!  I decided to light line them with ice fishing gear ( 2 lbs test) and a small teardrop rather than fly fish.   They were so aggressive with the flies, that they broke off my fly as they hit it!  It might have been fun with better gear, ( and more flies!)  but I was catching them plenty with the small ice fishing rod.  I cleaned them up and put them in the freezer for the next fish fry!

So... It is Tuesday already!   Even the WEEK is flying by... ( which is a good thing!) So I shall post this blog entry and head on to bed... as it is late and I have all of these things that I still have to do.   And every second counts!

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