Saturday, September 2, 2023

Gaining Knowledge The Old Fashioned Way....

 "Wisdom comes at a price!" 

 I used to say that because I thought it sounded witty...  But Every now and then, I realize I know more than I know I know.  

And that is that I don't know everything!

Today,  after several days of watching You Tube Videos, reading Haynes Repair Manuals, And practicing lots of Deep Breathing Yoga...  I finally attempted to put on my Shock assembly on the Subaru.  I know they have been bad for a long time now, and apparently, local Mechanics...  for whatever reason, are not eager to fix them for me.  

Remove Wheel.  Check!

The last one I went to told me I could do it myself and save some bucks.   And since the price he quoted me was equal to half a months pay from the Warehouse.... I decided I would take up the challenge. I'm a DIY-er....   And I enjoy fixing the Subie and learning every thing I can about him.  ( And saving Money!!!)   How hard can it be? 

Remove Brake line.  Check!

Well....   Having done the brakes before.    AND the sway bar links... I know enough that I should plan on things going bad.  A broken bolt here, a frozen bolt there.... 

 ABS sensor. Check!

I should prepare for a 10 minute job lasting all day.   Or even several days!

Hiccup #1.  Broken Adapter!

But it is Labor Day weekend!  And I DO have an additional day to play around and do some "Subaru Learning and repairing."   Perhaps I can shock myself and others by actually doing it myself in one go.

Well...  All that Motivation was short lived.   Within just a few minutes,  I broke a Tool!   And not just any tool... I broke my ONLY adapter for my breaker bar.  

Hiccup #2 Second Broken adapter!

Luckily,  Dave called and asked if I needed anything while he was out.   I showed him the picture and explained the situation.    Within a half hour, he returned with a torque wrench and an adapter for my breaker bar.  I thought I was back in Business...  

Until I broke that one as well.  Ah well,   Life lesson number three:  In addition to frozen bolts and broken bolts... you can also break your tools! 

So... Car repair will be put on hold for a while, while I re-think another plan.   I will call this plan "B". (For "Broken!") 

But lucky for me,  I had other things to keep me occupied and to keep the "Depression of failure" away.   In fact,  I had a long list of things!   Car Repair was only a small fraction of them. I decided to tackle Embroidery next...

And while I was at it,  I may as well fold that requested Origami while I wait for the Embroidery machine to finish up.  Each shirt takes about a half hour to complete!  That is plenty of time to fold some simple cardinals.  

Five Shirts, One vest, One hat, and two Cardinals later,  I was ready for a break.   I suggested to Dave that we head out to the woods and try to find some mushrooms.  I had found a few Chickens mid week last week and thought that there was a possibility that we might find more.  Unfortunately,  it was hot and rather dry outside today.   Even on the logs, it appeared no mushrooms were growing.   All we found were Deer!

Lung Oyster!  Pleurotus pulmonarius

I failed to mention last Monday that Dave had found a LARGE cluster of White Lung Oyster Mushrooms.   And they were Fresh!   We fried a few of them up with some of the fish we caught and they tasted just like Oysters!  Very tasty.  

The rest of my evening was spent tying flies and finishing up the Embroidery.   I still have one "special Request" shirt for Francisco....  I have to set up the design before I can finish that.   IN the mean time,  I went to Harbor Freight and Menhards to try to gather resources for my Plan "B"  ( For "Broken")   I purchased several new tools and hopefully,  these guys will do the trick. 

Only Deer....

Because after a while,  it might have been wiser to just let the Mechanic deal with this headache...  And more Cost effective!  (Plan "B" might have to be shortened from "Broken" to  "Broke!"  $$$) 

Regardless,  Perspective is everything.   I could look at this as a "Fool's Errand."  OR I could look at it as the cost for knowledge, wisdom and education.  A life lesson that will reveal another "mystery of the world!"  I like that perspective.    And I enjoy a good Challenge now and then.   If nothing else just to see if I can actually DO it!  I don't like to hear the phrase "I can't do that." coming from me.  Especially when there are people who make their livings doing this "impossible task."  If they can do it.. So can I! ( It may just take me more time... and cost more Money.... and look bad after it is all done.....) 

The answer lies after you fix the Subie!

But no one is born knowing everything there is to know about everything....And we all Suck at whatever we try the first time we try it.    The only way through that jungle is to hack your way through and learn how to swing an axe more efficiently.   In the end,  you will create a path that will be easier to travel the next time.   And the world is HUGE!  So you have to learn everything you can... while you can.   Because time is short!  And every second counts!

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