Monday, July 3, 2023

An Artsy Day.

 For some reason, I decided to tackle a few art projects I have had on my mind for the last few weeks.   And since I had an entire day off with no where to go and nothing else to do... why not dedicate it to a hobby.   A Hobby Day!  I used to have a bunch of those.   Now,  My hobbies take a back seat to work and working out.  So I best squeeze them in where I can. 

First thing was the chalking on the new pavement outside the House.   I have been wanting to chalk on this fresh black top ever since they laid it down.   It looked like the perfect platform for my fish mural I have been holding onto for over  a year now.  

The problem comes from me not having the best chalk available.   I left all of my really good chalk back in Iowa.  Ah well,  sometimes you have to make do with what you have available.  And for the most part, I think it turned out pretty good. 

An old lady from the neighborhood scared the crap out of me as she snuck up on me to see what I was doing.   She thought I was a road survey crew member drawing something on the road to be dug up.   I found this perplexing, as the fish was already outlined and filled in.  When asked what she thought it was,  she could not tell me!  ( Just how bad of an artist am I? ) On the bright side, one of the neighbor kids came over slightly afterwards and acknowledged it was a fish.  ( He was five!) Proving that sometimes kids are more reliable in their assessment of things. 

After finishing, I came inside and started my cardboard sculpture that I have been thinking about. So far, so good!   But I think it is going to take a little longer than a few hours to complete this one.  I hope I can maintain motivation to complete it.  

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and I have no plans.   I helped Christina move some furniture with her new boyfriend.  It took only and hour and I declined their offer to take me out for food and a beer.  But they did invite me to some gathering tomorrow in central Kenosha.  I'm not sure if I will go or not.  I certainly do not like crowds.  But then again, it might be better than my self inflicted exile.  We shall see. 

And lastly,  I found the video of the Chicken of the woods dropping its spores.   You can hear the sound of the spores as they hit the plastic bag.   Also... I just found out that you can actually SEE them flying around if you blow up the video!  Enjoy.

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