That is correct! I donated blood today. This will be the second time I did such an uncomfortable thing! And although I know the second time you do anything it is supposed to get easier.... It is still not something I would want to do on a regular basis.
Did you know people sell their blood for money? I wonder just how desperate I would have to be to do such a thing. Seriously! I don't know if there is a price high enough to consistently sell off parts of my body!
But there I was.. GIVING it away... for FREE! No wonder I failed at my first five business endeavors. I'm terrible at math and business. (Which might explain a lot about how I got to where I am at the moment.)
I am serious that the blood donating was terrible. But! There was a silver lining. Free Treats!
I ate two chocolate donuts, drank two cans of Sprite, and had two small snack bags of Doritos! ( Cool Ranch!) I also grabbed a bag of Nutterbutters for the road. Because giving blood makes you hungry.... or something. I don't know, I wasn't really listening. All I DO know is that there were treats and I felt like I had earned them.
Apparently, I just saved three lives. The vampire ladies tried to "up-sell" me by getting me to donate just my platelets and jamming my plasma back into my veins.
No thanks! Once it leaves the body, you can keep it. And that did not sound like a pleasant experience. Already having a needle jammed into my arm is painful enough. But having the siphon switched over to reverse sounds even MORE painful. And unhealthy... Or unnatural.
I figure I will be happy with saving three lives at the moment. You can't save everyone off of the Titanic... But if you can save three people..... At least that is better than none.
Alright... enough of patting myself on the back for enduring that rather uncomfortable experience. I'm trying to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I just wanted to blog about it because I barely left the building and someone from the agency called and asked me to set up a time to donate. Now I'm on a Call list!
I informed her that I just gave at the school blood drive and didn't think I could give another pint "right away"... ( Not that I was in the mood to do such a thing.... No matter how many cookies they bribed me with. ) She was nice and thanked me for my donation. We even made each other laugh.
Tomorrow is Friday! A Day 5! ( Which is a rough day for me.) Day five I have all of the afternoon sets back to back! 5, 6, 7, and 8! That means I have to carry all my Earth science stuff along with my Physical Science stuff with me through the afternoon. Kind of like a Marathon of Teaching.
And the weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. Meaning the kids are going to be squirrely! I have a Lab scheduled and we shall see how things go. I heard it will be a lab that is supposed to be done over several days so that might keep some of the kids who are more "hands on" busy and occupied. We will see how it turns out when I get there. And hopefully, I will have something good to blog about.
Besides the blood donating, it was a busy day for me today. I had a bunch of "moving parts" that I was very excited about, but ended up falling far from the mark I had envisioned. My Tier 2 class was not as involved as I had hoped, and I fear that their test retakes are not going to be much better than their last ones. But hopefully, some of them will pick up their grades and actually retain some of the information I have presented them. I'm sure a better teacher would have them all in the A+ range with science trophies for the family mantle.
But all they have is me at the moment. And although I try to get better, I fear the year will end before I have any signs of improvement. (By ME!) But there has to be a reason I am here. All of those zigs and zags that brought me to the place... And I find myself praying more and actually looking forward to tomorrow with ideas on how I can improve in one area or another. ( even though they seem to fall short lately) I am encouraged every so slightly by a few people who cheer me on and wish me luck. May God give me more days like this.
This blog post is a little longer than I had originally intended. Sometimes entries take on a life of their own. I should probably sign off and get some sleep because tomorrow is a new day. And every second counts.