Friday, June 30, 2023

A New Beginning.

As I tried to think of a new name for my new blog, Only one name came to mind every time I tried to come up with something.  New Life!  My new life.   And it certainly is like starting over from scratch.  Even at this late stage  in the game of life, I feel like I have to re-learn many things.   Or learn them from the beginning all together.  But let me not get ahead of myself. 

So why write this blog at all?  Good Question!  I guess the overall urge to write has finally won me over and this is the only outlet I currently have.    And Old habits seem to die hard after doing them for a dozen years or so.  

And perhaps this is my therapy.  A therapy I can afford on my limited budget. Writing my thoughts down has always made me feel a little better and allowed me to reflect on various perspectives during even the most dire situations. 

And the current event is by far the most dire I have ever had to endure. 

For those not in the loop,  Cheryl, my wife of 26 years, has decided she no longer loves me. Without going into details, I will leave it at that.  If you have an intuitive mind, perhaps you can figure it out from the old blog. (Breadcrumbs:  Clinton Iowa.) 

And so,  I will be writing my thoughts about that until the pain goes away. 

And my broken heart mends.... 

  And hopefully, I will catch some of the beauty that  this world has to offer now that  I am no longer focused on her and trying to win her back.  

And with very little thought going into this first blog post, I will try to keep it brief. But before  I sign off,  I wanted to openly acknowledge and Thank God for helping me through this ordeal.   It may sound odd and strange... I would not believe it myself had it not happened directly to me...  But God spoke to me.   

Not in the big booming Hollywood Voice you might be thinking.   Rather like a thought... a thought that came out of no where and definitely  did not sound like my own.   It got me to Kenosha.  A RANDOM place in Wisconsin.   A Place I would never have ever even guessed as a possible landing point.  

It linked up with a long time friend who was suffering from a similar situation.  And he was kind enough to offer me a place to stay.  And God continues to give me signs and help to guide me through these troubled waters.   They are too numerous to mention.  And anyone other than myself would probably not see how they fit into any form of guidance.   But I see them... and pick up on their meaning.  A meaning meant only for me.   

But sometimes the signs are obvious... For instance.  The name of the Church I go to.... The Church that Dave is Pastor of... Is called "New Life Lutheran Church."  I never really thought of the significance of that name and how it applies to me...  ( Other than the usual "Born Again" Christian applications.)  And perhaps this is God's plan for me.  There is a long story behind why I think  this entire chain of events was written to pull me out of Iowa and onto brighter things.  But that may have to wait for another blog posting.   The same goes for the explanation  of the other "Signs" that I believe God gave me to help push  me in this direction.   You can call it Hokus-Pokus if you want.  All I know is what I believe.   And it happened ... and Still IS happening... to ME. 

Is That A Comet Or Venus?

 I have never been one to follow the night sky very much.   But every now and then, Something will grab my attention and I will try to prete...